lunes, 12 de enero de 2015

Body Language- Ekman and co.

"Emotions Revealed" is Paul Ekmans book written on a theme of recognizing faces and feelings where Ekman examines emotions and connects the reaserch with his 15 years worth of investigations.

Starting the book with short rewise of his work as a researcher he connects the story with his antropological study where he explains the universality of emotions across the cultures examining it with different methods of research while occurs difficulties with language barriers.

The study allows him to conclude that there are "basic emotions" - sadness, anger, surprise, fear, disgust, contempt and hapiness.

So called "autoappraisers" are automatic mechanisms in the brain recevin messages from every sensory organ that are scannin the world for the variations that allow some triggers to become quickly interpreted.

In five chapters he presents information on universal triggers, descriptors of emotion's expression in us and in others and discussions about using or not information from the expression of each five themes: sadness and agony, anger, surprise and fear, disgust and contempt and enjoyable emotions.

Sadness and agony are triggered by different types of losses, by a very intense joy that overwhelms the emotion sysem, by depression or hopelessness. It all depends on whether a person wants others to know how he or she is feeling we have to be careful about expressions during the conversation or bofore and be aware of intrusiveness and lack of concern when we express sympathy.

Anger is triggeres by interference with intentions and goals, disappointment or frustration depending on the mood and personality of a person. He talks about different kinds of vilence and ways to temper it.

Surprise is caused by unexpected events whereas fear can be triggered by sudden events as well as frightening thoughts or memories. they are usually negative emotions that are possible to be positive-
Disgust is often triggered by the thought of how something repulsive might smell but universal triggers are bodily prodcts, Contempt is related but different to disgust.

In the end of the book we can find a test for checking the "learned material" that i'll take with finishing the book.

In the same time I recommend going through some cases on the blog Eyes for Lies 

as it offers alot of up-to-date, practical cases rewieved through from an expert for lying.


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