sábado, 3 de enero de 2015

Short introduction of our work: Body language and ''Gloria''

We decided to choose the topic about body language connected to Gloria's behaviour in videos where she goes trough three different types of psychotherapies:

-Client-centered therapy with Dr.Carl Rogers:

-Gestalt therapy with Dr.Fritz Perls:

-Rational emotive therapy with Dr.Albert Ellis:

We will try to get some basic information about body language with the book ''Body language'' from Allan Pease, which is also available on the internet: http://selfdefinition.org/psychology/mentalism/Body%20Language%20-%20Allan%20Pease.pdf

Our investigation will be about, how/if can we understand clients better if we have more knowledge about body language and consequently how can this knowledge help us to become better therapists.

We started searching for different sources of information so we will be able to report about our ideas and thoughts regularly.


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